דילוג לתוכן

פרקים בספרים

Z. Metzger & A. Kfir

Continuous Instrumentation and Irrigation: The Self-Adjusting File (SAF) System
:Chapter 11 in
.Endodontic Irrigation
Chemical Disinfection of the Root Canal System
B. Basrani ed. Springer, 2015

Z. Metzger, B. Basrani & H. Goodis

“Materials, instruments and devices”
:Chapter 8 in
Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp
S. Cohen, K. Hargreaves Eds. 10th Edition, Elseiver, 2011

Z. Metzger & I. Abramoviz

“Periapical lesions of endodontic origin”
:Chapter 13 in
Ingle's Endodontics
.JI Ingle, LK Bakland, JC Baumgartner eds
.6th Edition, BC Decker , 2009

Z. Metzger, L. Berman & A. Tamse

“Cracks and fractures”
: Chapter 21 in
Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp
K. Hargreaves L Berman Eds. 11th Edition, Elseiver, 2015

Z. Metzger & A. Kfir

Healing of periapical lesions
how do they heal, why does the healing take so long and why do some lesions fail to heal
:Chapter 15 in
:Disinfection of Root Canal Systems
The Treatment of Apical Periodontitis
N. Cohenca ed. Wiley Blackwell, 2014

Z. Metzger, I. Abramovitz & G. Bergenholtz

“Apical periodontitis”
:Chapter 7 in
Textbook of Endodontology
.G. Bergenholtz, P. Horsted-Bindslev, C. Reit, eds
2nd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009